Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Council Meeting Delegation Request (Individual-General) 

Please note that any person(s) wishing to present to the County of Grande Prairie No. 1 Council must complete the form below.

Once the form has been submitted to Legislative Services, the request is reviewed by Administration and once approval has been received, Legislative Services will contact the person(s) to schedule the presentation for the appropriate meeting.

All presentations are allotted 10-20 minutes in duration, inclusive of questions from members of council.

Please fill out the following information. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Legislative Services at

Applicant Information

Application Information

Have you been in contact with County Staff/Council regarding your matter of interest?
Will you be providing any additional information (i.e. presentation) and/or any supporting documentation beyond your summary above?

Privacy statement:

This information shall become public information unless deemed by the CAO to be confidential and “Closed Session” as per Procedural Bylaw. Personal information provided in submissions relating to matters before Council or Council Committees is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act of Alberta, and/or the Municipal Government Act (MGA) Section 230, 636, and 692 for the purpose of receiving public participation in municipal decision-making and scheduling speakers for Council or Council Committee meetings. Please be advised that all Council and Committee meeting presentations become part of the public record and you will be listed as a presenter on the Agenda and Minutes of the meeting. If you have questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact the FOIP Coordinator at