The County of Grande Prairie is committed to accessibility. We provide accessible services, programs and facilities in order to create a barrier-free community.
County of Grande Prairie Administration Building 10001 - 84 Avenue Clairmont, AB T8X 5B2 Phone: 780-532-9722 Fax: 780-539-9880 Email:
Regular HoursOur office is open:Monday to Friday8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.including over the lunch hour
Find the latest on road maintenance, construction projects and plans.
Campgrounds, Parks and Playgrounds
Explore the County's Campgrounds, Parks and Playgrounds
Current Projects
View current projects, upcoming public hearings, area structure plans and consultation opportunities.
Council meetings
View meeting schedules, agendas, minutes access the live stream..
Use this form to nominate members of the County for a Kind Heart Award. Kind Heart Awards are given to County residents who go out of their way to do things for others. Kind Hearts foster community spirit and encourage others to help when there is a need.
Protection of Privacy - Personal information is collected in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act) and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purposes of administering the program or service for which the information is collected. Should you require further information about collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please contact the FOIP Coordinator at or call 780-532-9722.