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Community Tribute Program

Commemorate an event, occasion or loved one by donating a tree or bench in a County Park.

Terms and Conditions

"Tribute Bench" means a park bench that is installed and maintained by the County as part of the Community Tribute Program.

"Term" means a ten year tribute period.

At the end of the Term, for tribute benches, the original applicant has two options:

a) Renew the Term for another ten year or 25 year term as per the County's Schedule of Fees.


b) Decline the Term extension, whereby the tribute bench will remain the property of the County. The plaque will be returned to the applicant at the conculusion of the term. If the County is unsuccessful in contacting the applicant within 180 days, the applicant will be deemed to have forfeited any remaining items.

Installation locations must be on designated County parkland, greenspaces or Municipal Reserve. Tribute benches cannot be placed on provate land through this program. The applicant will be required to meet Parks staff at the site to finalize the exact location before the item is installed.

Applications are accepted year round. Bench and tree installations will take place in spring to fall, as the weather permits.

Plaques will not be installed on trees for maintenance reasons. 

Bench plaques:

a) Are 2 inch by 8 inch in size. Images are permitted; dates indicating years of birth, death or special occassions are permitted. 

b) The County retains the right to approve all content for tribute plaques.

c)  The applicant will provide the content for the plaque directly to the plaque manufacturer. The County assumes no responsibility for claims or damages resulting in errors in layout, formatting or design, including but not limited to errors in wording, spelling or other inaccuracies related to inscribed information.

d) The timeline from application to installation may be up to 8 weeks depending on supply and production time for the bench and plaque.

e) A maximum of one plaque per tribute bench is permitted.

f) Only County staff are permitted to install or remove plaques.

The County will endeavor to maintain all tribute benches at their original locations but reserves the right to re-locate any tribute benches if required for any reason.

The County is not responsible for the theft, damage or vandalism to any tribute benches or plaques but will endeavor to remove superficial vandalism (such as graffiti), to the best extent possible. If a bench is damaged beyond repair, it is the applicant's choice to replace it with another bench through this program. No refunds available.

The County reserves the right to decline any application at their discretion.

A tax receipt will be issued for the total amount gifted. Payment must be made in advance. 

I have read and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions
Please select an appropriate Tribute based on the images provided above.

By entering your first and last name in the signature box, you declare that all of the information given above is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.

Protection of Privacy - Personal information is collected in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act) and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purposes of administering the program or service for which the information is collected. Should you require further information about collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please contact the FOIP Coordinator at or call 780-532-9722.