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Glen Leslie Rental Agreement

35076 Hwy 670

The Glen Leslie Church was built in 1915 and is a designated Provincial Historic Site. Treat the church with the reverence and respect that it deserves.

The Church does not have power or water.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Rental season is May 1 – October 31.

  2. Rental Fee and Security Deposit must be remitted prior to confirmation of rental.

  3. No use of tape, tacks or nails may be used anywhere inside or on the outside of the church for decorating purposes.

  4. Absolutely no smoking inside the building. Do not leave any cigarette butts or litter on the grounds.

  5. Absolutely no open flames inside the facility.

  6. No pets except service animals inside the facility. Clean up any animal waste on the grounds.

  7. Take reasonable measures to keep the hardwood floor clean and dry.

  8. No eating or drinking in the church at anytime.

  9. Any alcohol distribution must be appropriately licensed by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (780) 832-3000.

  10. Please park on the gravel, and limit parking on the grass to a minimum.

  11. Clean up is the responsibility of the renter. Due to a lack of storage at the church, please bring your own cleaning supplies including broom and dustpan, rags and water, and garbage bags. Garbage must be taken off site. Do not use harsh cleaning solvents on any wood surfaces.

  12. Before leaving, ensure the door is locked and that the window braces are in place to prevent break-ins.

  13. Any damages or additional cleaning required due to the rental constitute reasonable grounds to withhold the Security Deposit in portion or in whole. Any additional costs for repairs due to the rental will also be charged to the renter.

  14. Failure to return the key will constitute withholding $50.00 from the Security Deposit.

  15. Any concerns with the terms of this rental are to be addressed to the Manager of Parks & Recreation.
I have read and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions

All rental interactions and enquiries are to be directed to the Parks & Recreation Department of the County of Grande Prairie, at 10808 100 Ave Clairmont, AB or 780 532 9727

Reservation Fee: $100.00 non-refundable payable prior to confirmation of booking AND
Security Deposit:
$250.00 refundable.

The renter will be contacted to have their deposit returned within 10 business days of the rental once the church is inspected and found to be in its original condition. Conditions that the security deposit will be withheld are explained in the attached Glen Leslie Church Rules and Regulations.

Key: Renter is responsible for collecting a key to the church no earlier than the first business day before the rental, and returning the key no later than the first business day following the rental.

By entering your first and last name in the signature box, you declare that all of the information given above is true to the best of your knowledge and belief, and you have read and understand the Glen Leslie Church Rental Agreement, and agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations.

Protection of Privacy - Personal information is collected in accordance with Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act) and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used for the purposes of administering the program or service for which the information is collected. Should you require further information about collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please contact the FOIP Coordinator at or call 780-532-9722.